Béton et matériaux de construction
Béton prêt à l’emploi
Béton préfabriqué
Bétons spéciaux et hautes performances
Béton pour la construction des barrages
Pavés en béton
Grès calcaire
Matériaux de construction secs
Sables et graviers
Construction de routes
Exploitation minière et minéraux
Malaxeur discontinu à deux arbres (DKX)
Malaxeur planétaire (BPX)
Malaxeur discontinu pour matériaux secs (DMX)
Malaxeur continu à deux arbres (LFK)
Malaxeur continu à un arbre (MFKG)
Système Combimix (DKXC)
Malaxeur horizontal (AVA HTC/HTK)
Malaxeur de laboratoire
Concepts d’installation
Machines d’occasion
Essais et conseils
Processus pour la récupération de métaux
Ferrailles légères
Résidus de broyage automobile (RBA)
Déchets électriques et électroniques (D3E)
Mâchefers issus de l’incinération d’ordures ménagères
Scories métalliques et d’usines sidérurgiques
Recuperation de metaux a partir de fractions fines
Processus pour les déchets industriels
Broyage par tranchage et déchiquetage
Commandes d’installation
Broyage par impact
Rotorshredder (RS)
Impacteur à rotor (RPMV et RPMX)
Concasseur et broyeur à percussion (PB et PM)
Concasseur VSI à rotor centrifuge (RSMX)
Broyeur pour biomasse
Classification et tri
Machines d'occasion
Essais et conseils
Dennis Kemmann (Managing Director BHS-Sonthofen GmbH) and Markus Adler, 1st Commander, Sonthofen Fire Department
Global climate change is also being felt locally: In the German district of Oberallgäu, the number of storms and extreme events as well as floods has been steadily increasing in recent years. Preventive protection alone is not enough to respond appropriately, emphasizes Markus Adler, 1st Commander of the Sonthofen Fire Department: “The severe weather events of the last few years, mudslides and floods show us that defensive population protection is becoming ever more important.” Good equipment for the fire department is therefore essential to provide help quickly and professionally in an emergency, Adler continued. Thanks to a generous donation of €10,000 from the Sonthofen-based engineering company BHS-Sonthofen, two new Honda brand wastewater pumps have now been purchased.
Pumps for fast and efficient use in emergencies
These wastewater pumps are used primarily in the event of flooded underground garages, flood damage at companies, or weirs and drains of sewers clogged by floating debris. The new equipment has already been put into operation during a drill: “With the two powerful pumps, we can easily pump dirty water from a depth of up to 26 meters, as well as mud or water contaminated by stones and other foreign bodies up to a size of more than 3 centimeters,” explains Stefan Hipp, the fire department’s equipment manager. The pumping rate of more than 1,600 liters per minute ensures that operations can be handled quickly, Hipp added. This is important, he said, because the fire department often has to deal with many operations at the same time during extreme weather events.
Dennis Kemmann, Managing Director of BHS-Sonthofen, thanked the local fire department at the donation ceremony, also on behalf of all employees, for their commitment and service. “We are grateful that we can always count on your help and are pleased that we can contribute to the success of your missions with our donation.”